Rating 8 1/2 out of 10
Director - Andre Ovredal
Otto Jesperson - Trolljegeren
Hans Morten Hansen - Finn
Tomas Alf Larsen - Kalle
Johanna Morck - Johanna
Knut Naerum - E-verkssjef
Robert Stoltenberg - Polsk Bjornejeger
Glenn Erland Tosterud - Thomas
Recently our Viking brothers from the icey north have dipped their manely toes in the creative waters of film-making. Thats not to say they haven't before with movies about Nazi Zombies, and an evil Santa Claus. which were both awsome movies , and The Troll Hunter is no different.
The Troll Hunter is a story that starts with a trio of young college documentarians trying figure out why there are so many bear disappearances happening. Through Carmen Sandiego-like sleuth-work they come upon a Troll Hunter - and then, the...hunt...is...on! Trolls are loose and it's now up to them to put an end to their trolly shenanigans! The film goes down the right paths, and follows a rather formulaic story-line, but with such a unique story leading the way, you're more than happy to take the voyage through troll territory.

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