Written by Axemaster on April 22 2011

Rating 7 out of 10
Director - Craig Singer
Patrick O'kane - Dwayne Hopper
Richard Brake - Ronald Perkins
Michale Gaves - Eric Ross
Michaela Mihut - Janine Hopper
Shayla Beesley - Daisy Hopper
Hey there Horror Hounds ! Axemaster here , burning the midnight oil to bring you another terror treat from the silver screen !
"Dam It ! Cut myself shaving Again !!" |
Tonights pick is a diamond in the rough ! Perkins 14 . This flick sports a cool plot , some great gore and nail biting tension ! Here's the story in a nutshell !!
This acne is a real BITCH !!! |
The town of Stone Cove Maine (no Stephen King doesn't pop out of a grave yard or anything !! ) has a been mourning the loss of 14 of its children for 10 years . In a series of mysterious abductions , police were unable to solve the crimes and catch the evil fiend responsible . Officer Dwayne Hopper is haunted by the crimes . For good reason . His own son was among the 14 taken , and from under his nose while at home no less !(perhaps a few night school classes back at the old Police college eh !!?) Needless to say , Old Dwayne is Hopping mad ! (sorry couldn't resist !) And more than a bit obsessed with finding the culprit . Enter Ronald Perkins ! A mild mannered Pharmacist who's arrested after bolting from the police while being pulled over for a traffic violation . Hoppers son Kyle bit the hand of his kidnapper ten years earlier , and Perkins is missing a finger ! ( wow jaws like a Pitbiull on kyle !! ) Also , hopper discovers that Perkins was pulled over at the scene of the very first abduction , and its the tenth anniversary of the said first abduction , so naturally , Perkins is Hoppers man ! So Hopper calls his off duty Police buddy Hal to go to Perkins's residence and search it ! (Illegally of course ! where has our democracy gone ! !??) Hal , the hapless Bumble stick , discovers a secret room in Perkins's basement , and unleashes a world of hurt on the town of Stone Cove !!
Meanwhile , Hoppers wife Janine is , ..ahh at ..."Book Club " ! And his daughter Daisy is out losing her virginity at an isolated make out spot with an ugly bad haircut dude named Eric ! Officer Hopper must save his family and Stone Cove from a very energetic bunch of zombie like ghouls on the rampage!
"Look I know my hair cut is bad , but really !!" |
Director Craig Singer does a good job of bring the tension to life in Perkins 14 . He has had a bit of experience with the Scream Screen . In 2006 he took us on his "Dark Ride " and Perkins 14 is the same kind of lower budget , yet solid kind of film . Just the right amount of story chills and gore . What more can you ask for !?? Maybe not to end up like old Eric over on the right there Eh Fright fans !!
MMoooHahahahahahahahah !!!!
Ghoulish Ain't It ?! Ouch ! Thats gotta sting a bit there !
Maybe .. put some gauze on there .. put , put some presure on that .... or .. some Polysporin ...Something !
Okay Gore Geeks ! Until we meet in the Dungeon again !! Axemaster .. Out !
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